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Category: Senior Care

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Can Someone With Dementia Sign Legal Documents

An elderly couple sitting with a young professional, reviewing and signing a document.

Navigating legal decisions for a loved one with dementia is both an emotional and logistical challenge. Dementia affects cognitive processes like memory, reasoning, and decision-making, which can complicate a person’s ability to sign important legal documents. A person with dementia can sign legal documents, but only if they have the legal capacity to understand the […]

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Signs Your Loved One Has a Form of Memory Impairment

A senior man with glasses leaning on a windowsill and resting his right hand on the top of a cane while looking out the window with a serious expression.

Memory impairment, a symptom closely associated with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, can be a significant problem for seniors. It can range from a mild inconvenience to a major interference, often causing a person to forget important details about their own life.  There are communities that offer support to foster the health and happiness […]

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