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Category: Memory Care

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Can Patients Leave Memory Care?

A close-up image of an older adult's hands working with wooden pieces in memory care.

Memory care is a form of senior care that provides specialized support for those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other memory-related conditions by providing a safe and caring environment surrounded by meaningful routines. But can residents leave memory care? While memory care provides a wide ranges of services that cater to the needs of people experiencing […]

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What to Expect From a Memory Care Facility

A smiling senior with dementia looks through a photo album from their life with a nurse while relaxing.

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is a profound act of love, but it can also be a challenging and, at times, overwhelming responsibility. Memory care communities are an excellent option that can offer the support and structure your loved one needs while providing you with peace of mind.   These communities […]

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Engaging Activities for Seniors with Dementia

A group of older adults enjoy painting together.

Caring for a loved one with dementia is an intricate journey filled with both rewarding moments and challenging situations. The balance lies in providing day-to-day support while finding ways to enhance their mental wellness and overall happiness through engaging activities.  These activities can be incredibly fun and rewarding. They evoke positive emotions, preserve memories, and […]

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Is Alzheimer’s Disease a Disability?

Senior woman with Alzheimer's disease, gazing out the window with a pensive expression

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that impacts an individual’s memory, cognitive functions, and eventually the ability to perform even simple daily tasks. Approximately 6.9 million Americans over 65 have Alzheimer’s, and the numbers are rising, prompting necessary discussions around the condition, including its impact and legal classification. Alzheimer’s is a disability, though what […]

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Is Memory Care the Same as Alzheimer’s Care?

A close-up image of two people holding hands; one person has smooth skin and the other person has more wrinkles, indicating it is a young adult and a senior.

Navigating the landscape of senior care options can be confusing, especially when it comes to understanding specialized services like memory care and Alzheimer’s care.  While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, memory care and Alzheimer’s care are slightly different and this can impact the type of support your loved one receives.  There are many possible […]

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