Senior Living Careers in Dallas

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Join Our Family

Our team is more than a group of staff members–we’re a family. 

We’re always looking for committed and caring individuals to join us in our mission to serve our elders with unconditional love. If you’re interested in finding a fulfilling and engaging work environment, Parsons House Preston Hollow could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. 

Please contact us to learn more about our current job postings and how to apply.

Our Benefits

When you work at Parsons House Preston Hollow, you’ll truly be making a difference in our residents’ lives. 

Just as our team members take care of our residents, we offer an attractive suite of benefits to make sure our staff is equally taken care of. Our benefits include:

  • One free home-cooked meal while on duty
  • Free uniforms
  • 401k with a generous employer match
  • Robust health benefits
  • Paid time off & the ability to cash out paid time off 
  • Access to pay-as-earned agreements

Why Choose Us?

Our communities feature a selection of customizable lifestyle options to ensure our residents receive the exact care they need.

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We offer many services and amenities designed to provide superb comfort and exercise for the body, mind, and soul.

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Our staff is as special as our residents. We employ the most qualified, experienced, and caring individuals who undergo ongoing training to better provide for our residents.

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Our Location

Our charming senior living community is located in North Dallas, surrounded by beautiful outdoor spaces and tended gardens. Here, our residents enjoy a large community in a quiet neighborhood.

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